(China)Nanjing Emburg Co. Ltd.



GOST Standards For Forest

GOST Standards For Forest

GOST 10941-64 Undressed skins of white and forest bears
GOST 11210-65 Skins of polar and forest bears dressed. Specifications
GOST Occupational safety standards system. Agricultural and forest vehicles. Determination of braking performance
GOST 13056.10-68 Seeds of forest and shrub species. The rules for issue and forms of documentation on quality
GOST 13056.11-68 Seeds of forest and shrub species. Rules of arbitration determination of quality
GOST 13056.1-67 Seeds of forest and shrub species. Sampling
GOST 13056.3-86 Seeds of forest and shrub species. Methods for determination of moisture
GOST 13056.4-67 Seeds of forest and shrub species. Methods for determination 1000 seedweight
GOST 13056.5-76 Seeds of forest trees and shrubs. The methods of the phytopatological analysis
GOST 13056.9-68 Seeds of forest tree and shrub species. The methods of the entomological control
GOST 13853-78 Seeds ofleguminose forest trees and shrubs. Sowing characteristics. Specifications
GOST 13854-78 Seeds of nuts and cupuliferous forest trees and shrubs. Sowing characteristics. Specification
GOST 13855-87 Fruits of sand stabilizing forest. Sowing charecteristics. Specification
GOST 16399-70 The forest chemicals. Methods for determination of moisture

GOST Nature protection. Lands. Rates for shelter belts allotment along railroads and highways on lands of state forest reserves
GOST Nature protection. Lands. General requirements for forest hydroamelioration
GOST Nature protection. Forest protection and presservation. Terms and definitions
GOST 17266-71 Poplar cutting nursery product for forest-steppe and steppe zones
GOST 17267-71 Poplar cuttings for forest-steppe and steppe zones
GOST 17462-84 Forest industry production. Terms and definitions
GOST 17559-82 Forest plantations. Terms and definitions
GOST R 22.1.09-99 Safeti in emergencies. Monitoring and forecasing of forest fire. General requirements
GOST R 50801-95 Wood raw material, forest products, semi-produced materials and wood products. Sampling rules and methods of measuring specific activity of radionuclides


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