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Deciduous Trees

Deciduous TreesDeciduous Trees

Deciduous trees means trees lose their leaves seasonally or yearly. “Deciduous” is derived from Latin word “decido”, which means “fall away, fall off” .

Deciduous trees lose their leaves in response to climate change : for example, the temperature turned from warm (in summer) to cold (in winter) or dry season come. Shedding leaves helps deciduous trees conserve energy and water for dormancy.

Deciduous trees can be classified by their leaf-structures:
1. simple leaf;
2. lobed leaf;
3. compound leaf;
4. double compound leaf.

In temperate or polar regions (North and South America, Asia and Europe), deciduous trees lose leaves yearly in autumn and winter.

In tropical, subtropical and arid regions, deciduous trees lose their leaves during the dry season .

Deciduous trees are broad-leaved trees. It’s deciduous trees which produce huge volume of hardwood lumbers with attractive wood grains .

The common hardwood lumbers are all deciduous trees, like Red Oak, Maple, Poplar, Fir, Birch, Black Walnut, Cherry, Willow, Ash, Elm, Hickery, Dogwood.


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